A call for submissions – Concepts and Solutions Report: Biometrics and Digital Identity

Biometrics Institute members are invited to submit to the next edition of our Concepts and Solutions Report, this year focusing on Biometrics and Digital Identity.

In 2020 and 2021 we published two editions of this report which focused on a COVID-19 response (COVID-19: Effective and responsible biometrics solutions and concepts in a time of pandemic – building a resilient response and COVID-19: Effective and responsible biometrics solutions and concepts – one year into the pandemic). Since then, they have had over 8,000 downloads. Five hundred of those downloads were in the first two weeks so this is clearly an area where our network is still looking for answers.

Effective and responsible biometrics solutions and concepts for biometrics and digital identity are an important topic. That’s why we are focusing on this theme for the 2022 report – and would like you to be part of it.

The submissions should provide insights, lessons learnt and solutions available and tested that may provide answers to the use of biometrics and digital identity.

These expert reports will again be compiled into a document that we can share with our members and extensive wider network (including non-members) as well as on our social media channels.

The Biometrics Institute membership represents over 200 member organisations from around the world with a network that is close to 10,000 individuals, many of them experts in their respective fields and key decision-makers in government and private sector.

If you would like to promote any products, we are also offering the opportunity to place an advert at the end of the report or alongside your submitted paper.

It is important to note that we are only accepting report submissions which address critical questions you and your clients are facing at this time. The report will be an educational piece and your submission needs to explain how any available solution is effective in digital identity management, perhaps drawing on case study examples. The papers you send are not a place for product advertising and submissions like this will not be included.


You are welcome to use existing material you own the copyright of, for example a blog post or article you have written, as long as it does not infringe on any exclusivity rights.

Proposed themes for the report are:

  • Challenges the world is facing and potential solutions for digital identity
  • Biometrics for digital identity authentication
  • Preventing and recovering from account takeover: how biometrics can help
  • Potential consequences of biometrics for digital identities e.g. digital surveillance risk
  • Public perception of the use of biometrics for digital identity
  • Re-use and interoperability – sharing of digital identities
  • Use cases for digital identity: biometrics where and why?
  • New technology solutions and what they offer
  • Digital passports – what is available and what will come next?
  • Questions about digital onboarding and liveness
  • Governance and new legislation

Please feel free to make your own additional topic suggestions.

How to submit:

Papers should be submitted by downloading and completing this submission template and emailing it to the Biometrics Institute Administrative Support Adviser, Mich Turner – mturner@biometricsinstitute.org by Monday 2 May 2022.

Advert copy should be sent to the same email address by that same deadline.

Submission format:

  • Please note that although we highly encourage submissions from our international community, contributions must be submitted in English
  • Font: Calibri Light
  • Font size: 11
  • The submission must be limited to two pages (approximately 1,000 words)

Submissions in a different format will not be accepted.

Submissions should include:

  • Proposed title of the paper
  • Paper content – no more than 1000 words
  • Your contact details for us to correspond with you
  • Your contact details for publication

Acknowledgement will be provided on receipt. 


GBP100 for up to two pages in the report



It is not a requirement to submit a paper in order to place an advert. If you would like to place an advert for inclusion at the end of the report, please send a good quality .jpg or similar file for either a quarter or half-page advert to mturner@biometricsinstitute.org .

The quarter page portrait is 87mm X 130mm and half page is 180mm X 130mm type area no bleed.


  • GBP200 for a quarter page advert
  • GBP350 for a half-page advert


The report will be shared:

  • With the Biometrics Institute membership which consists of over 200 organisations represented by over 800 individuals
  • With our non-member database which consists of close to 9,000 contacts from government, user and supplier organisations around the world
  • On our social channels – we have close to 3,000 followers on LinkedIn and over 7,000 on Twitter

If you have any questions, please contact Mich mturner@biometricsinstitute.org

Lead the debate with us on the
responsible use of Biometrics